Build:w clears fonts/images


I got an accelerator project installed and trying to setup the fonts for the project.
When i run the build:w script I get all fonts generated from the "/client/fonts/ to the output folder /ui/fonts/…woff2 etc.
But once I save anything that triggers the watch, all the fonts gets deleted in the UI folder.

Is there anything i can modify to make fonts stay in the ui/fonts folder?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Added in webpack.config.common:

Litium version: 7.4.2

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Have you added the font in your css? Check webpack’s document for more info

Yeah, i’ve added @fontface and the src of the font.
I get the font to appear after the build, but after the watch-job is done » the fonts gets removed.

This guy seems to have the same issue, can you try it out?

Thanks, that did the job. Added the option : cleanStaleWebpackAssets:false to the CleanWebpackPlugin

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