On my localhost, I have no problem getting blobs from the /file/media folder. But i do not seam to be able to fetch blockthumbnail blobs?
Like this:
This call will be _blobService.Get(args.BlobUri) | null
In my files folder:
(note that is missing the ending 19e8b?)
I find this two files:
<filesDirectory value="..\Files" xdt:Transform="SetAttributes(value)" />
<commonFilesDirectory value="..\Files" xdt:Transform="SetAttributes(value)" />
<smtpServer value="localhost" xdt:Transform="SetAttributes(value)" />
Dose anyone have any insights on how to fix this? what is the prefix : .baa772eff705476582ad686560a35e6a ? this sems not to be present on the normal media files that dose work.
Litium version: 7.4