Change Payment App configuration for current session

I need information about how to change payment-app configs during checkout based on information entered in the checkout-flow. The scenario is as follows:

We have integrated the Briqpay checkout widget and when we select a shipping method outside the widget context we need to override some rules provided by the app.

Is it possible to load configurations per session?
Where is the interface for communicating this to the app?
Briqpay support tells me I need to load a new MerchantConfig for the session, where is this possible?

Litium version: 8.12.0

I think you need to send the question to Briqpay support to see if their app supporting this use case.

Can’t you just add multiple bricpay-configurations to litium and add them all to your channel.
Then you can switch between them like they are different payment methods.
if you are using the reactaccelerator i dont know what is possible but in the mvc accelerator you could write your custom logic for the paymentselectorpanel to only show and set selected paymentmethod to the one that match your rules. It is also possible to switch paymentmethod if the base for the rules change

Thank you for your response @Spotonkastebo, but unfortunatly the selection of payment methods is done in briqpays administration panel outside the Litium context. As @patric.forsgard answer I need to contact Briqpay and sort this one out.

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