Create order from code (L8)


I have to create an order by code. I’ve got a problem regarding the transactions. When the ERP is notifying Litium (via ERP Connect) that some products are delivered, the shipment gets stuck in processing. I think I boiled it down to being a problem with the transactions. I can see that a transaction is created, but it is stuck in “Unknown” result.

Is there something I have to think about when creating the order, regarding transactions?

I want to create the order and then transition it to processing immediately. After the order is created, I transition it to confirmed and then immediately to processing, which is working. To get this part working, I created a transaction an “Authorize” transaction with the result “Success”, but I’m not sure if this is the correct way of doing it. I’ve also created a payment containing all rows, that the Authorize transaction is connected to.

Litium version: 8.3.1

At the time the order is created, you would have following in database:

  1. Order in the Init state, with all its order rows, and other information.
  2. A Init transaction connected to the payment.
  3. A Authorize transaction connected to the payment, which has the Init transaction as the relatedTransactionReference.

The payment you create, must belong to a payment provider, either a real payment provider or the Litium direct pay app (which simulates a payment service provider)

So, if I understood correctly:

  1. Create order, including a payment (and shipping info). I use direct pay and direct shipment.
  2. Create an “Init” transaction
  3. Create an “Authorize” transaction (with what result? success?) that is related to the init transaction

Now it should work to(?):

  1. Notify order exported via ERP Connect
  2. Notify shipment delivered via ERP Connect

I followed the steps above, but I still get an error when capturing the payment:

2022-05-11 08:56:16.0718 [App:01] [0b55d4317850d445b5fdc97ed85bf106] [INFO ] [.NET ThreadPool Worker] System.Net.Http.HttpClient.App.LogicalHandler - Start processing HTTP request POST 
2022-05-11 08:56:16.0718 [App:01] [0b55d4317850d445b5fdc97ed85bf106] [TRACE] [.NET ThreadPool Worker] System.Net.Http.HttpClient.App.LogicalHandler - Request Headers:
User-Agent: Litium/8.3.1, (Client=directpayment)
Authorization: *
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
2022-05-11 08:56:16.0718 [App:01] [0b55d4317850d445b5fdc97ed85bf106] [TRACE] [.NET ThreadPool Worker] System.Net.Http.HttpClient.App.LogicalHandler - Request content:
{"transactionId":"LDP10095T3","orderId":"LD10026","paymentProviderId":"DirectPayment","paymentOptionId":"DirectPay","currencyCode":"SEK","rows":[{"transactionRowId":"1","articleNumber":"artno","description":"product name","quantity":1.00000000,"unitPriceIncludingVat":900.00000000,"unitPriceExcludingVat":900.00000000,"totalIncludingVat":900.00000000,"totalExcludingVat":900.00000000,"additionalInfo":{},"vatSummary":{"0.00000000":0.00}},{"transactionRowId":"2","articleNumber":"CustomFee","description":"Custom Fee","quantity":1.00000000,"orderRowId":"CustomFee","additionalInfo":{},"vatSummary":{"0.00000000":0.00}}],"totalExcludingVat":900.00000000,"totalIncludingVat":900.00000000} 
2022-05-11 08:56:16.0718 [App:01] [0b55d4317850d445b5fdc97ed85bf106] [INFO ] [.NET ThreadPool Worker] System.Net.Http.HttpClient.App.ClientHandler - Sending HTTP request POST 
2022-05-11 08:56:16.0718 [App:01] [0b55d4317850d445b5fdc97ed85bf106] [TRACE] [.NET ThreadPool Worker] System.Net.Http.HttpClient.App.ClientHandler - Request Headers:
User-Agent: Litium/8.3.1, (Client=directpayment)
Authorization: *
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 726
2022-05-11 08:56:16.6471 [App:01] [0b55d4317850d445b5fdc97ed85bf106] [INFO ] [] System.Net.Http.HttpClient.App.ClientHandler - Received HTTP response headers after 575.1139ms - 500 
2022-05-11 08:56:16.6471 [App:01] [0b55d4317850d445b5fdc97ed85bf106] [TRACE] [] System.Net.Http.HttpClient.App.ClientHandler - Response Headers:
Date: Wed, 11 May 2022 06:56:09 GMT
Server: Kestrel
Content-Length: 0
2022-05-11 08:56:16.6471 [App:01] [0b55d4317850d445b5fdc97ed85bf106] [INFO ] [] System.Net.Http.HttpClient.App.LogicalHandler - End processing HTTP request after 575.4369ms - 500 
2022-05-11 08:56:16.6471 [App:01] [0b55d4317850d445b5fdc97ed85bf106] [TRACE] [] System.Net.Http.HttpClient.App.LogicalHandler - Response Headers:
Date: Wed, 11 May 2022 06:56:09 GMT
Server: Kestrel
Content-Length: 0
2022-05-11 08:56:16.6471 [App:01] [] [ERROR] [.NET ThreadPool Worker] Litium.Application.ServiceBus.LocalServiceBusFactoryImpl - Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error). System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error).
   at System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode()
   at Litium.Connect.Application.Payments.PaymentProviderClient.SendAsJsonAsync[T](HttpClient httpClient, HttpMethod httpMethod, Uri uri, Object payload, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at Litium.Connect.Application.Payments.PaymentProviderClient.CaptureAsync(Guid paymentSystemId, CaptureRequest capture, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at Litium.Connect.Application.Payments.PaymentTransactionsProcessorImpl.Process(PaymentTransactionArgs args)
   at Litium.Connect.Application.Payments.PaymentTransactionsProcessorImpl.<Litium.Runtime.IAsyncAutostart.StartAsync>b__13_0(ServiceBusMessage`1 x)
   at Litium.Application.ServiceBus.LocalServiceBusFactoryImpl.LocalQueue`1.<>c__DisplayClass6_0.<.ctor>b__0(ServiceBusMessage`1 x)
   at Litium.Application.ServiceBus.LocalServiceBusFactoryImpl.LocalQueue`1.<Send>b__8_0()
   at Litium.Application.Common.FifoExecution.WorkItem.Execute()
   at Litium.Application.Common.FifoExecution.ProcessQueuedItems(Object ignored)

The app is returning a 500 response, what does the app log about the error?

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