How can I tell in which pricelist Litium found the returned price?
ping @MartinBrandt
Litium version: 7
How can I tell in which pricelist Litium found the returned price?
ping @MartinBrandt
Litium version: 7
If you create your own pricecalculator, you can make a class that inherits from the normal PriceCalculatorResult that has extra properties.
public class CustomerPriceCalculatorResult : PriceCalculatorResult
public Guid PriceListSystemId { get; set; }
public CustomerPriceCalculatorResult(decimal price, decimal vatPercentage, Guid priceListSystemId)
ListPrice = price;
VatPercentage = vatPercentage;
PriceListSystemId = priceListSystemId;
Code examples from price calculator:
return new CustomerPriceCalculatorResult(newPrice, z.VatPercentage, z.PriceListSystemId);
fetch price:
if (_priceCalculator.GetListPrices(priceCalculatorArgs, priceCalculatorItemArgs).TryGetValue(priceCalculatorItemArgs.VariantSystemId, out priceListResult))
var customerPriceResult = (CustomerPriceCalculatorResult)priceListResult;
var priceList = customerPriceResult.PriceListSystemId;
I have been looking into this solution, but I do not have a custom IPriceCalculator
. Is that necessary to get the name of the pricelist? Or is there any simple way to get the name/id of the pricelist from where the price is fetched? With the use of the standard implementation of IPriceCalculator
still haven’t solved this. Anyone else with a good idea?
The default implementation is not including the price list information together with the price. To get that information you need to implement your own IPriceCalculator
and include that information in the result as in the example above.
Ok, is it possible to add this in the default implementation in a future release? if so I will make a feature request
Please, create a bug on docs-site and write in description what you want and that it is a feature request.
done, #45737
Any update on this?