How to prioritize some products in Elasticsearch

How can I prioritize products in Elasticsearch results, is there a way that i can get the search result by changing the score or by adding tags?
Litium version 7.6.1

There is a boost attribute that should do it. But there is no backoffice to control it though.
So you would need to add a field somewhere to later add it when it sorts.

It depends on how you want to boost I guess. Could you explain the requirements a bit more?

You can apply Boost to a particular field to have hits from there be scored higher.

if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchQuery.Text))
	allQueries.Add((qc.Match(x => x.Field(z => z.Name).Query(searchQuery.Text).Fuzziness(Fuzziness.Auto).Boost(10).SynonymAnalyzer())
					|| qc.Match(x => x.Field(z => z.ArticleNumber).Query(searchQuery.Text.ToLower()).Boost(2))
					|| qc.Match(x => x.Field(z => z.Content).Query(searchQuery.Text).Fuzziness(Fuzziness.Auto).SynonymAnalyzer())));

You can also add a boost if the field contains a specific value:

allQueries.Add((qc.Match(x => x.Field(z => z.Name).Query(searchQuery.Text).Fuzziness(Fuzziness.Auto).Boost(10).SynonymAnalyzer())
				|| qc.Match(x => x.Field(z => z.ArticleNumber).Query(searchQuery.Text.ToLower()).Boost(2))
				|| qc.Match(x => x.Field(z => z.Content).Query(searchQuery.Text).Fuzziness(Fuzziness.Auto).SynonymAnalyzer())
				|| qc.Match(x => x.Field(z => z.Content).Query("my_value").Boost(100))));

You can filter on properties on the ProductDocument itself, in this example a property InStock has been added.
allQueries.Add(qc.Bool(b => b.Filter(bf => bf.Term(t => t.Field(x => x.InStock).Value(true)))));

You can also add a weight if a field contains a predetermined value. Here we are boosting a particular brand.

allQueries.Add(qc.Nested(n => n
	.Path(p => p.Tags)
	.Query(q => q
		.FunctionScore(fs => fs
			.Functions(fu => fu
				.Weight(w => w
					.Filter(wf => wf
						.Term(t => t
							.Field(f => f.Tags[0].Key).Value(BrandListViewModel.TagName)
							.Field(f => f.Tags[0].Value).Value(boostedBrand)

Thank You @Artur for the quick replay

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