Implementing two currency formatting on product prices


We have a customer that would like to have to types of currency formatting.
One for products with price >= 100 where the price should not be displayed with decimals. (Currency format type C0).
And another one for products with price < 100 where the price should be displayed with two decimals (Currency format type C2).

Is there any way to add another field on currency model that can have a different value from the existing one and where we could apply a price limit?

Or do you have another idea how to implement the feature that the customer wants that can be more flexible?
I would like to avoid replacing the currency.Format() method to with another one on all places in the solution where currency.Format() is used.
That method could maybe look something like this:

    private string NewFormatting(decimal price, Globalization.Currency currency)
            if (price < 100)
                var newCurrency = new Globalization.Currency("C2");
                newCurrency.ExchangeRate = currency.ExchangeRate;
                newCurrency.TextFormat = "C2";
                newCurrency.Symbol = currency.Symbol;
                newCurrency.SymbolPosition = currency.SymbolPosition;
                return newCurrency.Format(price, true, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture);
            return currency.Format(price, true, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture);

Thank you!

Litium version: [8.8.0]

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