Increase ordernumber (LS number) for Litium 8

How can I increase the order number in Litium 8?
Where is “the lastest used number” saved now?

We have issues where several dev databases and a test database is adding orders to the same ERP and the LS number can’t be the same in the ERP.

In previous Litium versions we could do this in the database, but I can’t find any spot for this.

Litium version: 8

Can’t you just change the LS prefix on different environments?
Configuration (

That is true, thanks, we can probably do that.
So there is no way of changing the number?

Best approach is the first one of course but if you still want to check the other option is the Sequences you should take a look at:


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Using a prefix for a specific environment works in some scenarios but if you for example taken a backup from another environment with a lower orderid sequece you need to change your orderprefix to something else or move the sequence.

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