Integrating Built-in CKEditor Wrapped in Litium Component into Custom Angular Panel

I am currently working on a project where I have created a custom panel in the customer section using Angular. I have successfully added my Angular component and other functionalities to this panel. Now, I need to integrate the built-in CKEditor into my panel. However, it appears that this CKEditor is wrapped within a Litium component, and I am unsure on how to proceed with its integration.

I discovered that the CKEditor is registered as field-editor in the code, as shown below:


Litium version: [7]

You are right, the CKEditor is wrapped by field-editor to have language dropdowns and other stuff. In Litium 7, ng2-ckeditor is used to render the editor. Please check the document on how to install and use it in Angular ng2-ckeditor - npm

Is there no way to use the wrapped version? I added the

following code
my component

    selector: "my-panel",
    templateUrl: "./my-panel.component.html",
    styleUrls: ["./my-panel.component.css"],
    changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class MyCustomPanel {    
    protected field: Field ={
        editLanguage: "en",
        viewLanguage: "en",
        isCultureSpecific: false,
        label: "hello word",
        name: "hello word",
        dirty: false,
        editable: true,
        readonly: false,
        undo: ?,
        options: ?,
        tooltip: ?,

<field-editor [field]="field"></field-editor>

But I don’t know what properties it needs to work as a CKEditor or am I way off?.

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