Issues starting up Litium 8.8.0

I haven’t restored a database, I started from scratch setting up the database according to Litium instructions.
Followed some other suggestions from the forum, changing the DNS_FORWARDER and dns to instead of …5 for the dnsresolver in docker-compose.yaml (MS SQL Server exception on app startup - Questions - Litium Forum) and using the ip instead of host.docker.internal as ConnectionString/Server for Elasticsearch in appsettings.xxxx.json (Failed to build synonyms - Questions - Litium Forum) seems to almost got me the indices to work. Can’t get the CategoryDocument online.

Clicking Activate says “Bringing index online” but nothing happens, no error in the log what I can see. The other ones took just a few seconds to get online. Still no products on the website.

Changing host.docker.internal:xxxxx to for the AppMetadata__AppUrl value in docker-compose.yaml worked for the Apps.

Only problem now is that Adyen is not listed as a Payment Method when I try to add it to a channel.

No errors in the logs from what I can see.