Klarna checkout app set options

in Litium 7 you could pass setting to klarna to set mandatory field. common case is to set phone number in germany to mandatory and personidentification number in norway to not mandatory.

Is this possible i litium 8 with the Klarna app?


"options": {
"require_validate_callback_success": true,
"acquiring_channel": "string",
"vat_removed": true,
"allow_separate_shipping_address": true,
"color_button": "#FF9900",
"color_button_text": "#FF9900",
"color_checkbox": "#FF9900",
"color_checkbox_checkmark": "#FF9900",
"color_header": "#FF9900",
"color_link": "#FF9900",
"date_of_birth_mandatory": true,
"shipping_details": "Delivered within 1-3 working days",
"title_mandatory": true,
"additional_checkbox": {},
"national_identification_number_mandatory": true,
"additional_merchant_terms": "string",
"phone_mandatory": true,
"radius_border": "5",
"allowed_customer_types": [],
"show_subtotal_detail": true,
"additional_checkboxes": [],
"verify_national_identification_number": true,
"auto_capture": true,
"require_client_validation": true,
"enable_discount_module": true,
"show_vat_registration_number_field": true

Litium version: 8.18.2

Exempel in litium 7 KlarnaPaymentConfigV3

//Set the checkout options here.            
klarnaCheckoutOrder.CheckoutOptions = new CheckoutOptions            
AllowSeparateShippingAddress = true,                
ColorButton = "#56A5DB",                
DateOfBirthMandatory = false            

Check the IPaymentIntrospection interface (marked as experimental)

Finns som en property i appen men sätts aldrig. Ser inte hur jag ska kunna sätta den via decoratorn heller. Men då förstår jag varför vi inte har personnummer i någon litium 8 klarna-kassa för default om inget val skickas till klarna är false.

namespace Litium.Studio.AddOns.Klarna
    /// <summary>
    /// Checkout options as specified in "https://developers.klarna.com/en/de+dotnet/kco-v2/checkout-api#checkbox-object-properties"
    /// </summary>
    public class CheckoutOptions

/// <summary>
/// Making the date of birth mandatory
/// </summary>
public bool? DateOfBirthMandatory { get; set; }

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