Klarna checkout shipping information


We’re currently running a Litium (8.7.2) project that is using Klarna (1.5.0) and we’ve set up an integration to Unifaun through Klarna.

However, we’re having some issues with shipping information, weight information does not seem to be sent to Klarna at all, when viewing the Klarna logs, the payload/order lines contains no information about weight.


Based on this thread → Send Shipping Attributes to Klarna Shipping in Litium 8 - #2 by Ericsj11 the settings shown in the image below should be used right?

Weight is also entered as grams on the product that I’m testing.

I’ve read the latest change notes for Klarna and there does not seem to be any changes regarding weight/shipping attributes.

Litium version: 8.7.2
Klarna version: 1.5.0

// JT

What field type are you using for the “Bruttovikt” field? The shipping properties must be mapped to an integer field, other field types will not work.

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@johan.holmin yep, that seems to have been the issue, our field was a decimal field, we just discovered this ourselves.

Haven’t tested it myself, but just heard from a colleague that it seems to work now.

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