Litium 8 CurrentUiCulture ViewComponents

Im adding a middleware that will set the CurrentUICulture as I want to change the language for my site.
I can do so for all the controllers with a Filter or manipulate your RequestModelActionFilter, by removing your set of CurrentCulture, and than add a middleware.
(dot net core have a UseRequestLocalization that should be used to set the Culture for the application, this does not work) ApplicationBuilderExtensions.UseRequestLocalization Method (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder) | Microsoft Docs

Though adding a filter that is a solution for Controllers, the ViewComponents dosent live in the same cycle as the controller, which means, If I set the Culture in a filter that wont execute for the ViewComponents.

How should I set the CurrentUICulture in a Litium 8 application so it changes everywhere in the application? Controllers and ViewComponents.

Litium version: 8.3.0

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