Media path location

How do I get a media path location? E.g.

Folder > Folder > Folder > Image.png

The backoffice folder structure path, not the physical path.


Litium version: 6.2.2

Since I havent found it in media module the only way i have been able to get it is by making an export from product module of product with connected images.

Use the FolderService to get all ancestors’ system id:

        var systemIds = new List<Guid>();
        if (folder.SystemId == Guid.Empty)
            return systemIds;

        while (folder != null && folder.ParentFolderSystemId != Guid.Empty)
            folder = _folderService.Get(folder.ParentFolderSystemId);
        // add RootId to the end
        return systemIds;

Then use FolderService.Get(systemIds) to get the list of folders, get their names then you have the full path.

Thanks! :slight_smile: