Migration of products and media from Litium 5 to Litium 8

Questions about migrating data from Lithium 5.1 to 8.7
-We have a clean installation but just want to move the products over.
What are the best practice and how step should we think about it?

We were thinking upgrading the database and copying products, but wonder:
-Does database upgrade have to be done incrementally or directly to 8.7?
-How should copying be done? Is it supposed to copy over tables (and which ones?) through script?
-How should we think about media for products?
We also see that the customer has created all product fields and templates via the back office. We would like this via code.
-Can we connect this by recreating the templates via code and then copying over the product templates and product fields from the updated production database?

Litium version: 5

I’ll try to answer your questions but I have a question first.

What is the clean installation? Does it contain data for an accelerator? Do you need website and page data? Otherwise you can try to upgrade your Litium 5 database and delete all website page related data.

Its a semi clean installation, that is we have setup channel and country settings.
No Accelerator data, so no need for a website and page data to be migrated.
I rather if we could migrate product data from upgraded database to new Litium project. Is it possible?

Yes it is possible. In that case you have to upgrade your litium 5 database to the version of your clean installation then copy the data from related tables vi sql scripts. FieldDefinition, FieldDefinifionFieldData, BaseProduct, BaseProductFieldData, Category, CategoryFieldData, Variant , VariantFieldData, File, FileFieldData etc. I can get you a full list. Follow the instructions at Upgrade the database to upgrade it directly.

You need the storage folder of your old installation also if you are going to copy the images and files.

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