'_options' does not match any field definition in area 'BlockArea'

I have installed the new Accelerator and migrated my stylings from the beta accelerator. But from time to time I am getting error from

    var currentField = _fieldDefinitionService.Get(item.AreaType, item.Id); **DefinitionSetup.cs    Line: 205** 

with following exception

    [FieldFrameworkException: Field with name '_options' does not match any field definition in area 'BlockArea'.]
   Litium.Runtime.AutoMapper.AutoMapperExtensions.MapTo(Object source) +325
   System.Linq.WhereSelectListIterator`2.MoveNext() +117
   System.Collections.Generic.List`1.InsertRange(Int32 index, IEnumerable`1 collection) +451
   Litium.Application.Caching.<>c__DisplayClass3_0`3.<LoadByPrimaryKey>b__0(LitiumDbContext db) +594
   Litium.Application.Data.DbContextExtension.ExecuteInDbContext(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, Func`2 loaderFunc) +98
   Litium.Application.Caching.EntityCache`2.Get(IEnumerable`1 key) +575
   Litium.Application.Caching.EntityCache`2.Get(Guid systemId) +95
   Litium.Application.FieldFramework.FieldDefinitionServiceImpl.Get(Guid systemId) +102
   Litium.Application.FieldFramework.FieldDefinitionServiceImpl.Get(Type areaType, String id) +185
   Litium.Accelerator.Definitions.DefinitionSetup.InitFields(IEnumerable`1 fields) in C:\dev\Start7\Src\Litium.Accelerator\Definitions\DefinitionSetup.cs:205
   Litium.Accelerator.Definitions.DefinitionSetup.Start() in C:\dev\Start7\Src\Litium.Accelerator\Definitions\DefinitionSetup.cs:87
   Litium.Owin.Lifecycle.Application.ExecuteStartupTask() +640
   Litium.Owin.Lifecycle.Application.Start(IEnumerable`1 assemblies, IEnumerable`1 typesToIgnore) +1881
   Litium.Web.Runtime.LitiumHttpModule..ctor() +215

I have dropped the database installed a new one, recycled the application pool, and the error pops up again. How do i fix this? Or what is wrong?

Litium version: 7.0.0

var currentField = _fieldDefinitionService.Get<>(item.Id); // Add area type inside this <>

_fieldDefinitionService.Get is inside a method called InitFields. I assume it will not be the same type all the time?

No FieldDefinitions AreaType is different for entities and areas.

What do you mean? I can’t have the type defined like this →
var currentField = _fieldDefinitionService.Get<!!BlockArea!!>(item.Id);

"Had to add BlockArea inside exclamation marks oterwhise it wouldn’t be visible in my post.

Yes you can, I meant you need to specify the type for which area the FieldDefinition belongs.

The problem is somehow the naming, the field have been named as _options but should be _option and this makes the issue.

If you sun the following sql it will be corrected

UPDATE FieldFramework.FieldDefinitionFieldData SET FieldDefinitionId = '_option' WHERE FieldDefinitionId = '_options'

The problem is in upgrades from beta7-accelerators that was using the MediaPointerVideo field type that is replaced with a Pointer of type MediaVideo instead.

This Select returns 0 rows so it is not a problem with naming. I didn’t upgrade the database, i installed a new one.
select * from FieldFramework.FieldDefinitionFieldData WHERE FieldDefinitionId = ‘_options’

Not sure if you still get the same exception as the one you have in the initial post but that exception is about the misspelled _options that should be _option and that is only affecting installations that have a database that is upgraded from the beta version.

I have tried to reproduce the error with the package from docs site and installed the accelerator. What is the more steps I need to do to get this error?

Did you solve this issue and what in that case was the reason?