Publish product - refer to


Struggling with some publish logic. And went to official demo site

I can see 15 products published (yoga mats)
Specifically, I can see 3 "Yoga mat Balance 3mm)

Looking in Litium Studio, Demo assortment, Tools, Traingin Gear, Yoga Mats
I can see 19 products, as far I see all published.
As for example, 710174391 (green) is part of the List of products.

looking specifically on this variant. It is published.

So Questions around this:
I do not get the logic here. Why is not the green 710174391 visible on front end store site (and same question goes for several other variants)

Thanks for answer.

Litium version: ver 7. official demo site

Are they grouped on Color or Size in BO in the template?

They’re grouped on Color and more than one variant share the same color, so that’s why they’re not all shown.


Thanks you for feedback.

so - do you mean. Since 710174301 and 710174391 both have the colour green, one of then is random not published?

Happy to understand why if you can elaborate a few more lines in the answers.

Everything taken from public demo B2C site if you will have the chance to verify/look up the data.

It is possible to define per template how variants should be grouped in listings.

Very similar to group by in SQL, if Color is defined in your template to group by then all items with the same color will be represented by the first item of that color only.

You can also configure how this grouping is done, see more info in Group variants on category page