Registration of user in checkout in Litium 8 accelerator using payment apps

Is creating a user and connect it to the order when order placed removed in Litium 8 and accelerator?

There is code in the checkout API checkoutcontroll/placeorder for this but it doesn’t look like that this is ever called using the payment apps.
Order confirmation is handled inside the payment apps via the ERP Connect API and then there is just a redirect to the checkout. there is just a check orderstatus = confirmed and then a redirect to the receipt. Or is there some configuration for the apps to make if call this the service endpoint to place order?

Litium version: Litium 8.5

What payment app are you using? Account registration works only with DirectPayment.

How should we do Account Registration with example Svea payment? Where could we create the account, connect the order, sign in the newly created account and than show a confrmation page?


I could not find any good way to solve this, so I made a startup task that listen to SalesOrderConfirmed and created the customer there and connected it to the order. But then you loose the ability to login the customer :frowning:
Hopefully there is a better way to solve it.

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As mynameisandreas said we are using svea pay by im interested in general how we are supposed to handle this for any of the payment apps. Klarna, adyen, svea, directpay. I have been thinking about same solution as Eric but come to the same conclution about the downsides with login. perhapps it is possible to listen to the event but then you have a problem if you need to create the person before orders is sent to ERP since webhook is triggered as soon as orders enter confirmed.

Did you find a good solution for this? We need this too, for Klarna and eventually Svea as well.

Registering a new user post-confirmation is not really a useful workaround for us since half the point is to sign the user in during checkout.

Account registration works only with DirectPayment

Are there plans to put this in the other payment apps as well?

There is no plan at today to support account registration after order placement, to get that to work we have multiple parameters to deal with and there does not exist any good solution.

If the account (email?) already exists, we can’t create another account and we should not sign in the visitor. Reason to not sign in the visitor to an already existing account is that the account signup function in that case can be used for account takeover, simplified example; buy a product and using an employer of the merchant’s e-mail address and you will get administrator permissions after the order is placed, enter administration and cancel the order.

If you have good solutions on account creation with e-mail verification, we can revisit and prioritize that feature together with all other features.

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