Search filters using AdminWebApi SalesOrder

We’re trying to figure out how to use the Search function in the Admin Web API for sales order. How would a body look if you’re trying to fetch orders which is in the Status Confirmed or Processing?

Sadly the following documentation is not helping us much :slight_smile:


Noone can/wants to answer?

As far as I know, there is no available condition in the rest apis to search via order status but you can get orders by date filter and filter them later by their status.

Here is an example:

“take”: 20,
“skip”: 0,
“filter”: [
“must”: [
“$type”: “Litium.Data.Queryable.Conditions.DateRangeFilterCondition, Litium.Abstractions”,
“fromDate”: “2023-10-25T17:42:12.000Z”,
“toDate”: “2023-10-26T17:42:12.000Z”
“sort”: [
“fieldId”: “date”,
“direction”: “descending”

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