Search for variants without a category

I want to make a search query to list all variants that’s missing a category. How do I do that?
Everything else on the variant is ok, it’s marked as published etc.

Litium version: 6.9

Not sure on what your scenario is here, but you could use the search inside of Litium, there’s a filter for Category.

You could also use the data service if you want to do it programmatically, but keep in mind this hits the database directly.

using (var q = _dataService.CreateQuery<Variant>())
	q.Filter(filter =>
		((IFilterDescriptorExpression)filter).AddExpression(new CategoryQueryExpressionInfo { OperatorName = "null" });

	var res = q.ToSystemIdList();

Lucene only indexes actual values (not null or empty), so you would have to write a indexing processor that adds a default value if no category is set, and then search for that.


Tack! Precis vad jag var ute efter.
Det ska inte användas mot kund.

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