Search text without spaces for product name doesnt give a hit in result

I am using Lucene Index in my project.

In the free text search, if i search for RT2 184 Krom, it finds a match in _name property and shows the result.

But if i search RT2184 it is should show the same result; but unfortunately it doesn’ttried adding these optional tags in search

optionalTagClause.Tags.Add(new Tag("_name".GetFieldDefinitionForProducts()?.GetTagName(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture), $"*{searchQuery.Text.Replace(" ", "\\ ")}*") { AllowFuzzy = false, Analyzer = "whitespace" }); optionalTagClause.Tags.Add(new Tag("_name".GetFieldDefinitionForProducts()?.GetTagName(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture), $"*{searchQuery.Text.Replace(" ", "")}*") { AllowFuzzy = false, Analyzer = "keyword" });

Please suggest the best way to handle this

Litium version: [7.6.1]

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