[SOLVED] Having problems with creating a JWT token through API

Im trying to create a JWT token like it says in the docs to send in products from our PIM integration via the connector, but getting back 404 or 400.
Im probably just missunderstanding it but im sending the POST with grant_type, client_id, and client_secrets as x-www-form-urlencoded in the body. Have also tried to send them as url parameters.

What am i missing here?

EDIT: i spelled oauth wrong and had a trailing / in the url

Litium version: 7.6.1

Take a look at this:

Is the URL you’re using correct and accessible?

I tested now with Postman and got a token back:

{{server}} is just a variable with my local domain. And I have a service account set up with these credentials.

Yeah it’s correct and up and running.

How is your service account set up? Thinking that it might have something with that to do

The URL in your image looks incorrect, it says oath (missing the u) and has a trailing slash. Can you test with http://localhost:8080/Litium/oauth/token instead?

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Oh i should’ve noticed that, now it works haha. Thank you!

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