Subscribe to file uploaded event?

I want to subscribe to an event when a file, preferably images only, as been uploaded.
I’ve tried subscribing to Litium.Media.Events.FileCreated but it doesn’t seem to be triggered when I upload an image in backoffice.
Am I missing something?

Which Litium version are you using? What does your code look like?

I adapted the example from Docs and could hit the break point after uploading a new file in Media.

public class FileCreatedEventHandler : IDisposable
	private readonly Litium.Events.ISubscription<Litium.Media.Events.FileCreated> _subscription;

	public FileCreatedEventHandler(EventBroker eventBroker)
		_subscription = eventBroker.Subscribe<Litium.Media.Events.FileCreated>(fileEvent =>
			var newGuid = fileEvent.Item.SystemId; // caught this break point

	public void Dispose()

I did the same thing only I inject a service in the ctor. thanks tho, now I know that I’m not wasting my time trying to fix it.

Yup, I had forgotten to decorate my interface with the attributes needed… smh

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