[The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.]


I’m trying to get the direct payment app installed. I’ve checked around the forum for some inspiration.
But I can’t seem to get it to work.

I get the error “[The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.]” When I’m browing the app url.

I’ve checked the app logs, but there are no error logs.
I’ve checked the litium logs, and no error messages there either.

As of now I’ve disabled the dnsresolver. Since I saw this post

So my direct pay yaml file looks like this atm.

    image: registry.litium.cloud/apps/direct-payment:latest
    # dns: 
    # -
    restart: unless-stopped
    - "10010:80"
    - "10011:443"
    # Disable app configuration reload on change mac os
    # - ASPNETCORE_hostBuilder__reloadConfigOnChange=false
    # Enable HTTPS binding
    - ASPNETCORE_URLS=https://+;http://+
    # Configuration for HTTPS inside the container, exported dotnet dev-certs with corresponding password
    - ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Password=SuperSecretPassword
    - ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Path=/https/localhost.pfx
    # Folder for the configuraiton, this is volume-mapped
    - CONFIG_PATH=/app_config
    # Folder where logfiles should be placed, this is volume-mapped
    - APP_LOG_PATH=/logs
    # Don't validate certificates
    - AppConfiguration__ValidateCertificate=false
    # Url to this app
    - AppMetadata__AppUrl=https://host.docker.internal:10011
    # Url to the litium installation
    - LitiumApi__ApiUrl=https://host.docker.internal:5001

    - directpay_appdata:/app_data
    - directpay_appconfig:/app_config
    - directpay_logs:/logs
    - directpay_dataprotection:/root/.aspnet/DataProtection-Keys
    - https_cert:/https:ro

Is - AppMetadata__AppUrl=https://host.docker.internal:10011 correct or should that be something else in this case?

My host.docker.internal is assigned to in my hosts file

Litium version: 8.11.6


Is your problem solved?
You do not need to disable dns resolver if you configure everything correctly.
1- Did you install the developer cert according to: Custom developer certificate
2- Did you install the shared dependencies according to: Shared dependencies.
You have to have for dns and dns forwarder in dnsresolver part if you have later versions of docker desktop version > 4.11.1.
Change all to in the yaml files (both shared dependencies and app yaml) if you have later versions of docker desktop.

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