Understanding connection between promotion and order row in Connect ERP


We’re using Connect ERP (endpoint /api/connect/erp/orders/) to read orders for an ERP integration. In the ERP we want to store the price of each product after any discounts rather than saving product discounts as separate rows.

The data from Connect ERP looks something like this:

  "id": "LS10049",
  "rows": [
      "id": "1",
      "type": "product",
      "articleNumber": "302212",
      "descriptions": "Dot knopp mässing",
      "unitPriceIncludingVat": 102,
      "unitPriceExcludingVat": 81.6,
      "quantity": 1,
      "unitOfMeasurement": "st",
      "vatRate": 0.25,
      "totalIncludingVat": 102,
      "totalExcludingVat": 81.6,
      "totalVat": 20.4,
      "additionalInfo": {}
      "id": "2",
      "type": "product",
      "articleNumber": "1349965",
      "descriptions": "Bottenventil pop up svart med stort lock med bräddavlopp",
      "unitPriceIncludingVat": 620,
      "unitPriceExcludingVat": 496,
      "quantity": 1,
      "unitOfMeasurement": "st",
      "vatRate": 0.25,
      "totalIncludingVat": 620,
      "totalExcludingVat": 496,
      "totalVat": 124,
      "additionalInfo": {}
      "id": "3",
      "type": "promotion",
      "articleNumber": "302212",
      "descriptions": "sales.discounttypes.productcampaignprice.title",
      "unitPriceIncludingVat": 42,
      "unitPriceExcludingVat": 33.6,
      "quantity": 1,
      "unitOfMeasurement": "",
      "vatRate": 0.25,
      "totalIncludingVat": 42,
      "totalExcludingVat": 33.6,
      "totalVat": 8.4,
      "additionalInfo": {}
  "promotions": [
      "id": null,
      "description": null,
      "type": "product",
      "discountType": "DiscountedProductPrice",
      "additionalInfo": {},
      "sourceOrderRowIds": [
      "resultOrderRowId": "45961bff-c1a2-444b-814f-e2711ba77255"

What’s the best way to map the promotion data to the corresponding products to calculate the final price? Should we map based on articleNumber or use the promotions property for this? promotions seem to contain the mapping between product rows and promotion rows, but uses systemids which is not available under rows.

Litium version: 8.15.0