Validate Klarna order test environment


We use the Klarna litium plugin and need a validation step when before Klarna places the order. There is an endpoint in the KlarnaPaymentController (Validate) for that purpose, but in our test environment Klarna never calls this step even though the validateUrl is passed to KlarnaPaymentArgsCreator. In production I can see that it runs since there’s a debug logging.

Is there any setting or such that prevents the validation to run in test?

Litium version: 7.3.4

Can you access the validate URL manually? Is https set up in the test environment?

Yes, I am able to access the URL using postman, and yes the https is set up.

Don’t know anything about your setup for the test environment but if it is behind a firewall with you work IP whitelisted postman will work locally while klara request is rejected. Depending on your setup with channels and domains it is also possible that klarna gets the wrong url to postback to.

Have you looked in klarna backoffice log to see if there are any error logged for the callbacks or are the logged as successful?

There are no setting as i know of to stop validation but in code there could be cases where validation isn’t enable if you build your test environment in debug-mode and this is to allow development in local environment without external access to the site.


The Confirmation callback works perfectly fine, so I don’t believe there are any limitations for Klarna to access the callback, but it seems to me that Klarna isn’t firing the validation step at all.

The validation URL passed to Klarna is correct as well.

I managed to work it out. It actually did call the validation URL on our test site, I must have missed the debug information.

Thanks any way!

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