What is the best way to filter order by channel id

What is the best way to filter order by channel id?

var request = new QueryRequest(Solution.Instance.Languages.DefaultLanguageID, ECommerceSearchDomains.Orders, ModuleECommerce.Instance.AdminToken);

How should i add a filter tag to this request to filter by channel id

Litium version: [7.4.0]


request.FilterTags.Add(new Tag(TagNames.ActiveChannelSystemId, _requestModelAccessor.RequestModel.ChannelModel.SystemId));

You will need to add correct SystemId related to the Order.

I had this doubt because, i didnt see TagNames.ActiveChannelSystemId in Litium.Foundation.Modules.Ecommerce.Search.TagNames

Yes TagNames is coming from:

ChannelId is not indexed for Orders. Please, file a bug on docs-site.

If you are in hurry you can use an IIndexingProviderPreProcessor on the same way as MostSoldIndexingProviderPreProcessor from accelerator and in that fetch the order and add your own property for the channelId.

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Sure. I will post a bug on doc site

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