After 7.4.2, Product category link have been moved to Category. So whats the best way to link a newly imported product to a category.
It seems, adding to product links of category and updating category results a rebuild index of all products in that category. Is there any other better way?
Assuming that the link can’t already exist and that you have baseProduct and variant.
var category = _categoryService.Get(categorySystemId).MakeWritableClone();
var link = new CategoryToProductLink(baseProduct.SystemId);
using (_securityContextService.ActAsSystem())
You can also add all variants at once, something like
category.ProductLinks.Add(new CategoryToProductLink(baseProduct.SystemId)
ActiveVariantSystemIds = new HashSet<Guid>(_variantService.GetByBaseProduct(baseProduct.SystemId).Select(x => x.SystemId))