Wrong language/culture using mediaservice to get file references

I am trying to create a webservice that receive a file id and return on what pages this file is used on and i want to return the url to the page in all channels the page is used.

my problem is the the media service returns page name in english even if the page is only published in the channel with swedish.

How do i get the media service to return the swedish name? or do i need to fetch the page and get the url from that?

{ "group": "WebsiteArea", "name": "Published page: My site [en-US]/Startpage [en-US]/Translation missing/Translation missing/Translation missing", "link": "/!39caa972-7d40-42ec-b6fa-d17a5be2a1ee!0!00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000!0!0/8916e0bf-2ef7-42d8-9e04-883ae80d722c", "id": "5b53e718-6bb7-40d4-a618-bb1bf39bdbe0", "target": "_blank", "ownerId": "8916e0bf-2ef7-42d8-9e04-883ae80d722c", "type": null }

Litium version: 8.8

It uses the CultureInfo.CurrentCulture to get the name, so check the current thread culture and change it to Swedish to get the swedish name.

Thanks! that solved it

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