Alternative pantern? (PageModel currentPageModel, CategoryModel currentCategory, ProductModel currentProductModel)

Hi, every time we do something with Url’s we need to pass PageModel, CategoryModel and ProductModel currentProductModel to the method. Typically we do this from a ChildAction call from the View.

	public ActionResult Header(PageModel currentPageModel, CategoryModel currentCategory, ProductModel currentProductModel)
		var viewModel = _headerViewModelBuilder.Build(currentPageModel, currentCategory, currentProductModel);
		return PartialView("Framework/Header", viewModel);

But this pattern is all over our code base, is there an alternative to passing this all over? I know that we have _requestModelAccessor.RequestModel.CurrentPageModel but we dont have all of them?

Any suggestion of a better pattern to use? Injecting them outside of the View give: Service ‘Litium.Web.Models.Websites.PageModel’ which was not registered.


Litium version: 7.4

Perhaps you could extend the RequestModel to include what you need?

The RouteRequestInfo.Data property can be cast as ProductPageData which has CategorySystemId, BaseProductSystemId and VariantSystemId that could be mapped. You can inject RouteRequestInfoAccessor.

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