Hi we have a get “api”, that needs to get it general RequestModel from the domain, insted of the request context headers.
Its uses the ApiControllerBase and because of this the ActionFilter that builds the requestModel on the normal controllers is not run when the request hit the url.
So I came up with this rewrite of the RequestModelAccessor and wondering if there is a better way or if this seams like an ok solution? ge: Createing a own RequestModelImpl and building it if needed.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using Litium.Accelerator.Search;
using Litium.Foundation.Modules.ECommerce.ShoppingCarts;
using Litium.Globalization;
using Litium.Runtime.AutoMapper;
using Litium.Runtime.DependencyInjection;
using Litium.Web.Models.Globalization;
using Litium.Web.Models.Websites;
using Litium.Web.Routing;
using Litium.Websites;
namespace Litium.Accelerator.Routing
[Service(ServiceType = typeof(RequestModelAccessor))]
public class RequestModelAccessor
private static readonly AsyncLocal<RequestModel> _routeRequest = new AsyncLocal<RequestModel>();
public virtual RequestModel RequestModel
var context = System.Web.HttpContext.Current;
if (context != null && context.Items.Contains(nameof(RequestModel)))
return (RequestModel)context.Items[nameof(RequestModel)];
//If we dont get a model, create a default
if (_routeRequest.Value == null)
_routeRequest.Value = BuildDefaultRequestModel();
return _routeRequest.Value;
var context = System.Web.HttpContext.Current;
if (context != null)
context.Items[nameof(RequestModel)] = value;
_routeRequest.Value = value;
//Hack to inject a basic request model if called before its created
private RequestModelImpl BuildDefaultRequestModel(){
RouteRequestLookupInfoAccessor routeRequestLookupInfoAccessor = IoC.Resolve<RouteRequestLookupInfoAccessor>();
CartAccessor cartAccessor = IoC.Resolve<CartAccessor>();
PageService pageService = IoC.Resolve<PageService>();
Channel channel = routeRequestLookupInfoAccessor.RouteRequestLookupInfo.Channel;
var rootPage = pageService.GetChildPages(Guid.Empty, channel.WebsiteSystemId).FirstOrDefault();
return new RequestModelImpl(cartAccessor)
_channelModel = new Lazy<ChannelModel>(() => channel.MapTo<ChannelModel>()),
_searchQuery = new Lazy<SearchQuery>(() => new SearchQuery()),
_currentPageModel = new Lazy<PageModel>(() => rootPage.MapTo<PageModel>()),
private class RequestModelImpl : RequestModel
public Lazy<ChannelModel> _channelModel;
public Lazy<SearchQuery> _searchQuery;
public Lazy<PageModel> _currentPageModel;
public RequestModelImpl(CartAccessor cartAccessor) : base(cartAccessor)
public override ChannelModel ChannelModel => _channelModel?.Value;
public override SearchQuery SearchQuery => _searchQuery?.Value;
public override PageModel CurrentPageModel => _currentPageModel?.Value;
Litium version: 7.4