Api documentation notes


Is it possible that you can update the “notes” part in your api documentation?
For example “Gets or sets the currency” is pretty self explanatory. A suggestion would be to add example values instead, I think that would help me alot when working with your product.


I don’t see any information about your documentation in the roadmap.

Is there a plan to improve it or is it not a priority for you?

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Hi Totte!

Thanks for the feedback. We are constantly trying to improve the documentation and the kind of detailed practical feedback you just suggested is very valuable for us to know how to further improve. I will add this to our backlog of documentation improvements.

About the roadmap. There is not a public roadmap on the documentation itself. But, we are constantly putting efforts in how it can be improved. We do prioritize the documentation, and any practical feedback, as the one you suggested, is highly valuable to us.

/ Ludde

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Hey Ludde!

Ok that sounds good to me. Do you prefer to get feedback via the forum or any other channel?

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