Duplicat block. cant delete

Hi, on our startapage we have blocks, for som reason one block is rendered twice. If we change the content on one block, its reflected on the duplicat, And we cant delete this block.

How can we get rid of this duplicat?

Its also rendered twise on the live site.

Litium version: 7.5

Is there any error if you try to remove the block?

A work-around is, hopefully, clone it to another block, then hide those 2 blocks by deactivating its channels, or configure audience info so it will never be displayed in production. Then use the newly-cloned block instead.

It’s just a 500 error with a short json msg that there was an error, no info and can’t find any in the error log.
Any clue from where we can remove it? Do we need to delete it from the DB?

I suspect there was something wrong which made the data to be invalid. Maybe you should find and delete from the DB, but make sure you backup it first.

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