Hi, I have set up Elasticsearch and it works fine with the accelerator. But if I switch to our production database I get his error when trying to view a category. The index seems to work just fine when i pay with kibana.
This is the debug output query:
{ "query":{ "bool":{ "filter":[ { "term":{ "channelSystemId":{ "value":"baa772ef-f705-4765-82ad-686560a35e6a", "boost":1.0 } } }, { "term":{ "assortments":{ "value":"15d7b6d8-fd0b-4e5c-5ef9-08d6e1f51a46", "boost":1.0 } } }, { "term":{ "organizations":{ "value":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "boost":1.0 } } }, { "term":{ "parentCategories":{ "value":"55207ca2-be87-4ab7-a587-541c2ae35445", "boost":1.0 } } }, { "bool":{ "should":[ { "term":{ "permissions":{ "value":"Group:5b521f8c-a7a2-44e0-ab76-1c60d740bded", "boost":1.0 } } }, { "term":{ "permissions":{ "value":"Group:3bb00cc4-a86f-4d5d-b43a-aed35d4ecab5", "boost":1.0 } } }, { "term":{ "permissions":{ "value":"Function/Websites/Content", "boost":1.0 } } }, { "term":{ "permissions":{ "value":"Function/Media/Content", "boost":1.0 } } }, { "term":{ "permissions":{ "value":"Function/Products/Content", "boost":1.0 } } } ], "adjust_pure_negative":true, "boost":1.0 } } ], "adjust_pure_negative":true, "boost":1.0 } }, "sort":[ { "mostSold.quantity":{ "order":"desc", "missing":7.922816251426434E28, "nested":{ "path":"mostSold", "filter":{ "term":{ "mostSold.systemId":{ "value":"51888d35-529f-4aa3-8e1b-d0d813d89daf", "boost":1.0 } } } } } }, { "name.keyword":{ "order":"asc" } }, { "articleNumber":{ "order":"asc" } } ] }
And this is the error:
"stacktrace": ["org.elasticsearch.transport.RemoteTransportException: [bca31517332e][][indices:data/read/search[phase/query]]",
"Caused by: org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregationExecutionException: [nested] nested path [tags] is not nested",
"stacktrace": ["org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregationExecutionException: [nested] nested path [tags] is not nested",
{"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-04-22T18:09:40,077Z", "level": "WARN", "component": "r.suppressed", "cluster.name": "docker-cluster", "node.name": "bca31517332e", "message": "path: /litiumeducationproductdocument.sv-se/_search, params: {typed_keys=true, index=litiumeducationproductdocument.sv-se}", "cluster.uuid": "cbGNjVEGRfy-m_WD1K0KRA", "node.id": "Op7yCWW8RUKexpk_Hc5Luw" ,
Any suggestions?
Litium version: 7.4.2