Error after upgrade to 6.2.2


After upgrading from 4.6.2 to 6.2.2 I get this error on startup:

No component for supporting the service Litium.Foundation.Search.IPersistingSearchConfigurationServiceFactory was found
vid Castle.MicroKernel.DefaultKernel.Castle.MicroKernel.IKernelInternal.Resolve(Type service, IDictionary arguments, IReleasePolicy policy)
vid Castle.Windsor.WindsorContainer.ResolveT
vid Litium.Infrastructure.InversionOfControl.IoCWindsorContainer.Resolve[T](Boolean throwException)
vid Litium.Foundation.Solution.InitializeSearchComponents()
vid Litium.Foundation.Solution…ctor(DataSettings dataSettings, AccountSettings accountSettings)
vid Litium.Foundation.GUI.FoundationApplicationSetup.CreateInstance()
vid Litium.Foundation.GUI.FoundationApplicationSetup.Setup(IEnumerable1 assemblies) vid Litium.Owin.Lifecycle.Application.ExecuteSetupTask(Assembly[] assemblies, IEnumerable1 types)
vid Litium.Owin.Lifecycle.Application.Start(IEnumerable1 assemblies, IEnumerable1 typesToIgnore)
vid Litium.Studio.Lifecycle.FoundationHttpModule…ctor()


Litium version: 6.2.2


Not familiar with this issue but try to delete bin and object folders and build see if any difference.

Thanks, that did it!

Ah, too early. It did not solve it. I got another error, after fixing that it came back.

Ok, check now if all references are correct and no project contains any pointing to some (old) DLLs that ought not be in the new version.
Also check if all Litium v6 DLLs exists in the bin folder.

Have you checked the binding redirect section in this article?

Not sure if it relates to your problem.


I was missing the package Litium.Infrastructure.Search.Lucene.


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Great set the query to resolved with related answer please :slight_smile: