Extending Google Shopping feed


Is it possible to extend or make changes to the Google Shopping, apart from the field mappings available in BO? More specifically we want to work with the shipping_label attribute but I can’t find a way to configure it.

Litium version: 7.6.1

Did you check this one? [Custom Google Shopping feed] (Custom Google Shopping feed)

Yes I did, though the docs link from Nils’s comment currently leads to documentation for Litium 8 which doesn’t seem to apply for Litium 7. I Assume that this is the correct link, and that we need to implement our own price agent in order to add our own field?

You can add a new feed named [Plugin(“GoogleShopping”)] inside Litium.Accelerator.Mvc.
Then that is the feed that will run when going to the same GoogleShopping URL.

And if you manage to decompile the original GoogleShopping feed, you can take all that code, add it to your new file, and then extend it as you want.

I don’t think it’s possible to extend an existing “Plugin”

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Thank you for your reply Eric!

Guess I’ll have to run it by the customer again, it looks like this would be a bigger change than I had thought.


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