GetMostSoldArticles by time range?

Hi what is the default time range for most sold? And can we set a custom one?

<scheduledTask type="Litium.Foundation.Modules.ECommerce.Statistics.StatisticScheduler, Litium.Studio" startTime="00:20" interval="1d" parameters="MaxOrderAgeInMonths=6, OrderStates=1;2;3, RelationsLimit=25" />

Dose not seam to do it for us.

Litium version: 7

You get the most sold in the period of the last 6 months, what do you want to change it to?

Ok, so the intervall dose work it seams. But all servers are returning different sales data from the same method.
Backoffice says sales on a variant is 1 on front 9 its 41, most fronts says its 0 sales. Backoffice have the correct value.

Is it safe to use the Statistics database table directly? Insted of the .bin file/memory ? We just need a quick fix give ElasticSearch product document correct sales data.

Hard to tell on the performance side! Calling it for every product in the indexing sounds unhealthy, hence we cache it to memory/file in the Accelerator in order to not create a performance thief.

Any clue how we make the data file work? :smiley:

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