How do I check if current user is from a specific Target group?

I cant find any documentation about this, so how do I check this?

Litium version: 6.3.7

You can check it like this:

            var targetGroupId = "MyTargetGroupId"; // This Id is in your created TargetGroup table (if created from BO it will be as string-Guid)
            var targetGroup = _targetGroupService.Get(targetGroupId);
            if (targetGroup != null)
                var conditionSystemId = targetGroup.Conditions?.FirstOrDefault().SystemId;
                if (conditionSystemId != null)
                    var context = System.Web.HttpContext.Current;
                    var sessionTargetGroupList = (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Guid,TargetGroupContextData>)context.Items["Litium.Web.Customers.TargetGroups.TargetGroupSessionContextImpl#TempData"];
                    var myTargetGroup = sessionTargetGroupList[targetGroup.SystemId];
                    if (myTargetGroup != null)
                        var existsInGroup = myTargetGroup.ProcessedConditions.Any(x => x.Equals(conditionSystemId));

There seems to be an easier way also :slight_smile:

            var targetGroupId = "MyTargetGroupId"; // This Id is in your created TargetGroup table (if created from BO it will be as string-Guid)
            var targetGroup = _targetGroupService.Get(targetGroupId);
            if (targetGroup != null)
                var existsInGroup = _targetGroupEngine.IsApplied(targetGroup.SystemId);

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