I am trying to update a Block’s field value from an API Controller. I have succeded to update the production data (Blocks.BlockFieldData-table) but the changes are not visible in Backoffice. I understand Backoffice is working with Blocks.DraftBlockFieldData-table and data is copied to Blocks.BlockFieldData-table at publish.
Q: How do I update the DraftBlockFieldData?
According to this answer, the equivalent problem for DraftPageFieldData is soloved with implementing IReadOnly on the MultifieldItem object. I did try this, but without success. Not sure if my implementation is enough.
protected override void ProcessBlock(BlockStyle item)
var block = _blockService.Get(item.Id).MakeWritableClone();
var styleList = new List<MultiFieldItem>();
var multiFieldItem = new MultiFieldItem();
multiFieldItem.Fields.AddOrUpdateValue(CustomBlockFieldNameConstants.StartColumnX, "*", item.XStart);
multiFieldItem.Fields.AddOrUpdateValue(CustomBlockFieldNameConstants.EndColumnX, "*", item.XEnd);
block.Fields.AddOrUpdateValue(CustomBlockFieldNameConstants.StyleXLarge, "*", styleList);
using (Solution.Instance.SystemToken.Use())
Object equivalent to CustomBlockFieldNameConstants.StyleXLarge:
public class BlockStyle: IAutoMapperConfiguration, IViewModel, IReadOnly
public string StartColumnX { get; set; }
public string EndColumnX { get; set; }
public bool IsReadOnly => false;
public void MakeReadOnly()
{ }
public object MakeWritableClone()
return null;
void IAutoMapperConfiguration.Configure(IMapperConfigurationExpression cfg)
cfg.CreateMap<MultiFieldItem, BlockStyle>()
.ForMember(x => x.StartColumnX,
m => m.MapFrom(c => c.Fields.GetValue<string>(CustomBlockFieldNameConstants.StartColumnX)))
.ForMember(x => x.EndColumnX,
m => m.MapFrom(c => c.Fields.GetValue<string>(CustomBlockFieldNameConstants.EndColumnX)));
Litium version: 7.3.1-patch-1911150957