I get 404 when accessing to Litium backoffice

When I want to run Litium back office (www.site.com/litium) I get 404 result. Every other path and links of other pages work perfectly fine.
I run locally, and I have “Url Rewrite” installed on my IIS. Litium version is 6 and my configurations is like my other co-workers. I tried also, with “Url Rewrite” disabled but problem did not solve. Also, I controlled files and folders permission, and they seem ok.

Do you have www.site.com in your hosts file, pointing to your local machine?

Do you have the Litium.Studio.UI.Resource.dll in the bin folder?

Yes, I have mapped www.site.com to localhost in c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file. I have try several settings there. but it doesn’t solved.

Yes, I have “Litium.Studio.UI.Resource.dll” in C:[Project Path]\src\Web\bin\ and it has version 6.1.1

Is the public site working (if you exclude the litium in the url) ?

Yes, we can browse everywhere in the website. all links and pages seem work properly.

This worked from the start right? Something must have been altered since it does not recognize the BO url anymore.

Are you running through Visual Studio? or have you set up the IIS?
If you have setup IIS, if you add a new binding, mysite.localtest.me (both http and https) and try to browse mysite.localtest.me/Litium what happens?

I run it on IIS not Visual Studio. I have tried both http and https, but still I get 404.

Yes, we made some changes to ProductsDefinitionSetup.cs and after that we find out that BackOffice gives us 404. Despite of that we reverse our changes, and tried alternatives.

You might have changed something in DB that you must erase maually.
Have you tried to clean ApplicationPool and restart Website?

Also try throwing Bin folder and object folder to thrash and Build again in Web project before restarting app-pools and website.

I deleted Bin and Obj folder to “Recycle Bin” and rebuilt app and restarted website. But I still get 404 accessing BackOffice

And restarted Application-Pool also? I think something is not correct in DB.

I restarted the application pool, but the error persists. We use a shared database on Azure and my other college use the same database and they don’t have any problem.

How about if you start a new site with e.g site-name.localtest.me and point to your project folder and add new bindings also for https. Did you also try that?

I tried this but still the problem exists. both on http and https.

Since it works for your co-workers, can you compare your site folder with them for file or file-content differences?

We reinstall IIS and UrlRewrite and the problem fixed. We don’t know why and what was the problem. But anyway, thanks to all whom tried to help us.

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