KlarnaV3 orgnanization checkout?


This function gets called but I still only get private person option. Do you have to activate organization checkout it in Klarna maybe?

private void UpdateDataSentToKlarnaV3(OrderCarrier orderCarrier, KlarnaPaymentArgs paymentArgs, CheckoutOrder klarnaCheckoutOrder)
        if (klarnaCheckoutOrder.CheckoutOptions == null)
            klarnaCheckoutOrder.CheckoutOptions = new CheckoutOptions();

        klarnaCheckoutOrder.CheckoutOptions.AllowedCustomerTypes = new List<string> {"person", "organization"};



Litium version: 4.8.11

We will check with Klarna and get back to you.

To be able to use B2B accounts Klarna need to enable that in the merchant settings. Tell the customer to contact Klarna and let them enable that for their account.

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