Link problem after upgrade

After upgrading from L4.8 to L6.6.2, internal page links in the WYSIWYG editor stopped working. Now all links look like this: “pageID:b6f3144790b64421ac8c4c18d2839008” (with different pageIDs for different links of course).

We’ve tried editing the links in BackOffice and pointing them to the corrent page under the “Intern länk” tab in the “Länk” dialog, but they still get the “pageID” style url after publish. The only way to get it to work is to specify a relative url in the URL field under the “Länkinformation” tab.

Is this a known bug?

Litium version: 6.2.2

I have not hear that this not should work. What are you using to write the editor content out for rendering?

We’re using Html.Raw

How are you fetching the string from the property?

Are you passing the string into the Litium.Foundation.Modules.CMS.Pages.Page.ReplaceDynamicLinks to get the transformed data from the PageID:xxx?

We fetch the string from the property like so: page.GetPropertyVaue(propertyname). ReplaceDynamicLinks seems to do the trick. Thanks!