(Lucene) Filter products that has any price for current user

I only want to show products that has a price for current user using Lucene. We’ve tried the following code in PriceFilterService, but the product is not visible

var priceListSystemIds = _priceListForUser.Value;

            var allPrices = new List<(int Min, int Max)> 
                {(1, int.MaxValue) }
            var countryId = _requestModelAccessor.RequestModel.CountryModel.SystemId;

            var optTagClause = new OptionalTagClause();

            var limitedTag = _fieldDefinitionService.Get<ProductArea>(ProductFieldNameConstants.LimitedToProductGroup).GetTagName();

            if (priceListSystemIds.Count > 0)
                var limitedMandTag = new MandatoryTagClause();
                limitedMandTag.Tags.Add(new Tag(limitedTag, true));
                foreach (var item in priceListSystemIds)
                    var name = _requestModelAccessor.RequestModel.Cart.IncludeVAT
                        ? TagNames.GetTagNameForPriceIncludingVAT(item, countryId)
                        : TagNames.GetTagNameForPriceExludingVAT(item, countryId);

                    foreach (var priceItem in allPrices)
                        limitedMandTag.Tags.Add(new RangeTag(name, priceItem.Min, priceItem.Max));


Litium version: 7.7.0

You are adding the price lists as into a MandatoryTagClause, which would require every one of the users’ price lists to have a price for a product.

Does it work if only the tag for LimitedToProductGroup is added in a MandatoryTagClause and the price lists are added into an OptionalTagClause? These are then both added to request.FilterTags.

That worked for me, thank you

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