Tier prices and search index

We have a problem with products with tierprices.
We have a page where we list products in a customers pricelist and we use a search query to find the products by setting searchQuery.Tags[TagNames.PriceListId].
The problem is that products that have tierprice and only have price for many products are not found by the search.
Is this not included in the search index?

Litium version: 7.3.2

How about if they don’t lack price on one item, do they appear then?

Yes, they appear if we add a price with minimumQuantity = 0
like this:

MinimumQuantity Price
0.0000 50.65000000
200.0000 41.65000000

But without the price for 0 they dont appear

Yes only the ones with MinimumQuantity == 0 getting indexed.

Is this a bug or by design?

It is by design.

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