Is multifields on products included in the search index?
Litium version: 7.3
Is multifields on products included in the search index?
Litium version: 7.3
Multifields are not included in the search index but you can include them by implementing the IIndexFieldDocumentTagsConverter.
Here comes a sample implementation that index only one text field of the multifield.
[Service(Name = "Multifield")]
public class IndexDocumentTagMultiFieldField : IIndexFieldDocumentTagsConverter
private readonly LanguageService _languageService;
public IndexDocumentTagMultiFieldField(LanguageService languageService)
_languageService = languageService;
public ICollection<DocumentTag> ConvertToIndexDocumentTags(IndexFieldTypeConverterArgs arg, object item)
var result = new List<DocumentTag>();
// If the item is null do not index anything
if (item == null)
return result;
var values = (IEnumerable<MultiFieldItem>) item;
if (values != null && values.Count() > 0)
var languages = _languageService.GetAll();
foreach (var language in languages)
// We assume that the Multifield text item is always language dependent
var tagName = TagNames.AppendLanguage(TagNames.GetTagNameForProperty(arg.FieldDefinition.Id), language.CultureInfo);
var bodyTagName = TagNames.AppendLanguage(TagNames.Body, language.CultureInfo);
foreach (var value in values)
if (value.Fields.TryGetValue("Id of the multifield item", language.CultureInfo, out var valueInCurrentCulture))
var currentValue = (string)valueInCurrentCulture;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(currentValue))
result.Add(new DocumentTag(tagName, currentValue) { TermVector = true, Readable = true });
result.Add(new DocumentTag(bodyTagName, currentValue) { Analyzed = true });
return result;
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