Need example on how to remove prefix from CustomerNumber

Need example on how to remove prefix from CustomerNumber, I got a hint that I should use ReadableCustomerIdService. But that only contains GetCustomerId

Litium version: 6.2.2-patch-1810041453

Implementing a custom decorator for the service with the service decorator pattern that can tweak and change what the service is returning. The _prefix variable can be used to change the prefix to something else than the standard LSC, in the below case we remove the prefix.

using System;
using Litium.Application.Customers;
using Litium.Common;
using Litium.Customers;
using Litium.Runtime.DependencyInjection;

namespace Litium.Accelerator.Mvc.App_Start
    public class ReadableCustomerIdWithOwnPrefix : ReadableCustomerIdService
        private readonly ReadableCustomerIdService _parent;
        private readonly KeyLookupService _keyLookupService;
        private const string _prefix = "";

        public ReadableCustomerIdWithOwnPrefix(ReadableCustomerIdService parent, KeyLookupService keyLookupService)
            _parent = parent;
            _keyLookupService = keyLookupService;

        public override string GetCustomerId()
            var id = _prefix + _parent.GetCustomerId().Substring(3);
            while (_keyLookupService.TryGetSystemId<Person>(id, out Guid systemId)
                || _keyLookupService.TryGetSystemId<Organization>(id, out systemId))
                id = _prefix + _parent.GetCustomerId().Substring(3);
            return id;

Remarks: The Litium.Application.Customers.ReadableCustomerIdService service is an internal service and can be changed or removed without any notice.

Remarks 2: The ReadableCustomerIdService can be decorated with multiple classes so it is not sure that the _parent.GetCustomerId()-method will return a customer number that is starting with the LSC and then the above .Substring(3) to remove the prefix need to be changed to what it is returning.