Npm/yarn warnings in the accelerator

Hi, when I try to install work with the FieldType project I get a few warnings.

warning " > @angular-redux/store@7.1.1" has unmet peer dependency “@angular/core@^5.0.0”.
warning " > @angular-redux/store@7.1.1" has unmet peer dependency “redux@^3.5.0”.
warning “litium-ui > ng2-dnd@5.0.2” has incorrect peer dependency “@angular/core@^4.0.0 || ^5.0.0”.
warning “litium-ui > ng2-dnd@5.0.2” has incorrect peer dependency “@angular/forms@^4.0.0 || ^5.0.0”.
warning “litium-ui > ng2-signalr@5.0.0” has unmet peer dependency “jquery@>= 2.0.0”.

I don’t know much about Node, but can I ignore this, since @angular/core@6.. and redux is present in the node_moduels ? Is it just that the instller dose not know this?

Litium version: 7.0.2

You can simply ignore these warning. They will be fixed when those libraries’ authors, they fix it in their new version. It does not break anything.

Oki, so thats not the problem then :slight_smile:

When I “run npm install anything” let’s say “npm install ng2-ace-editor” all goes well, and all I see are the above warnings.

Then I go to extentions.ts and the import, in this case

 import { AceEditorModule } from 'ng2-ace-editor';

The IntelliSense autocompletes this for me, and the folder is present in the node node_modules, it builds fine, but in the browser I get,

dispatch.js:32 ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: Cannot read property 'call' of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property 'call' of undefined
    at u (manifest.js?v=9F35B00921DB3FE4309B5102310DCE882EB7C8D9CE514E90B0D692DAD432B00D:1)
    at Object.../../src/Accelerator/extensions.ts (extensions.ts:8)

This is the same for all 4 different imports that I have tested, the ones already in there like import { CalendarModule } from ‘primeng/primeng’; Works with no problem.

Do i have to take some extra steps to include new dependencies ?

It sounds that you are hitting the same part that is described here about changing webpack config.

If i dose this,

    splitChunks: {
        cacheGroups: {
            commons: {
                test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/](?!(ngx-moment)).*[\\/]/,
                name: "vendor",
                chunks: "all"
            'litium-ui': {
                test: /[\\/]litium-ui[\\/]/,
                name: "litium-ui",
                chunks: "all"

that only moves the error to the Accelerator file :confused:

Could you share the error after you made the config change?

ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: Cannot read property 'call' of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property 'call' of undefined
    at u (manifest.js?v=9F35B00921DB3FE4309B5102310DCE882EB7C8D9CE514E90B0D692DAD432B00D:1)
    at Object.../../node_modules/ngx-moment/fesm5/ngx-moment.js (Accelerator.js:333)
    at u (manifest.js?v=9F35B00921DB3FE4309B5102310DCE882EB7C8D9CE514E90B0D692DAD432B00D:1)
    at Object.../../src/Accelerator/extensions.ts (extensions.ts:8)
    at u (manifest.js?v=9F35B00921DB3FE4309B5102310DCE882EB7C8D9CE514E90B0D692DAD432B00D:1)
    at e.invoke (animations.js:1164)
    at Object.onInvoke (helpers.js:55)
    at e.invoke (animations.js:1164)
    at (animations.js:1164)
    at animations.js:1164
    at I (animations.js:1164)
    at animations.js:1164
    at a (animations.js:1141)
    at e.invoke (animations.js:1164)
    at Object.onInvoke (helpers.js:55)
    at e.invoke (animations.js:1164)
    at (animations.js:1164)
    at animations.js:1164
    at e.invokeTask (animations.js:1164)
    at Object.onInvokeTask (helpers.js:55)

this is the only thing added to the extensions.ts on line 8

import { MomentModule } from 'ngx-moment';

is the

Please try with this config:

            commons: {
                test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/](?!(moment)).*[\\/]/,
                name: "vendor",
                chunks: "all"

ngx-moment uses moment so we need to include both of them.

This did not work, but i’m trying different regex, did this work for you?

back to:

dispatch.js:32 ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: Cannot read property ‘call’ of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property ‘call’ of undefined
at u (manifest.js?v=9F35B00921DB3FE4309B5102310DCE882EB7C8D9CE514E90B0D692DAD432B00D:1)
at Object…/…/src/Accelerator/extensions.ts (extensions.ts:8)
at u (manifest.js?v=9F35B00921DB3FE4309B5102310DCE882EB7C8D9CE514E90B0D692DAD432B00D:1)
at e.invoke (animations.js:1164)

This is probebly closer

test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/](?!(.*moment)).*[\\/]/,

but this stills gives me

 dispatch.js:32 ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: Cannot read property 'call' of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property 'call' of undefined
    at u (manifest.js?v=9F35B00921DB3FE4309B5102310DCE882EB7C8D9CE514E90B0D692DAD432B00D:1)
    at Object.../../node_modules/moment/moment.js (moment.js:4511)
    at u (manifest.js?v=9F35B00921DB3FE4309B5102310DCE882EB7C8D9CE514E90B0D692DAD432B00D:1)
    at Object.../../node_modules/ngx-moment/fesm5/ngx-moment.js (moment.js:4511)
    at u (manifest.js?v=9F35B00921DB3FE4309B5102310DCE882EB7C8D9CE514E90B0D692DAD432B00D:1)
    at Object.../../src/Accelerator/extensions.ts (extensions.ts:8)
    at u (manifest.js?v=9F35B00921DB3FE4309B5102310DCE882EB7C8D9CE514E90B0D692DAD432B00D:1)
    at e.invoke (animations.js:1164)
    at Object.onInvoke (helpers.js:55)
    at e.invoke (animations.js:1164)
    at I (animations.js:1164)
    at animations.js:1164
    at a (animations.js:1141)
    at e.invoke (animations.js:1164)
    at Object.onInvoke (helpers.js:55)
    at e.invoke (animations.js:1164)
    at (animations.js:1164)
    at animations.js:1164
    at e.invokeTask (animations.js:1164)
    at Object.onInvokeTask (helpers.js:55)

To repleacte, just add any external lib to the extentions.ts and try to edit a block in admin that contains a filter-fields, and the error will appera in the console.

Please use this for the moment, I will come back if I can find better solution:
test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/](?!(.*moment|webpack)).*[\\/]/,

Thanks! this did work for Moment, it will be a bit of a pain since moast libs have a “few” dependensys :smiley: But now I know the the principle behind it!

I’m fare from a webpack ninje, but am just playing around, you think something like this might work?

Sudo/untested code

  1. mkdir external_lib
  2. npm init
  3. npm install big-moduel-lot-of-dependencys

4 edit webpack

 test: /(?![\\/]external_libs)[\\/]node_modules[\\/](?!(webpack)).*[\\/]/,

resolve: {
        modules: [
            helpers.root("external_libs/node_modules"),  //Added thid
            helpers.root("src/" + moduleName)

ps. i have no celue what helpers.root() actually dose just tetsing hehe

Sometimes It helps to delete node_modules and npm i so it all clears out.

We will get back to you soon. We are verifying a solution where you will not need to modify the webpack config at all when you want to install libs.


We have a solution. Please download this file to the machine, with the name common-vendors-module.js:

Put this file under this folder: Litium.Accelerator.FieldTypes\config\webpack

Modify webpack.js file to add this as the first line:
const commonVendorsTest = require('./common-vendors-module.js');

And change the vendor chunk config part as:

                commons: {
                    test: commonVendorsTest,
                    name: "vendor",
                    chunks: "all"

Then it should work, you should be able to add any packages that you need without the need of modifying the webpack config anymore.

In the future, the common-vendors-module.js file will be included in the litium-ui package, so you can require it from webpack like this:
const commonVendorsTest = require('litium-ui/common-vendors-module.js');

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This is awsome, thanks!

@Zsrdos Did this solve your problem?

I did not try to do the fix code rewrite so right now I have a gigantic test exclutions string, but am sure the fix works and my problem is “solved” so I mark it as complete. Thanks!

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