Prices sent to Klarna does not math prices saved on order in Litium

We have a problem that the price sent to Klarna is not the same as the one that is saved on the order in Litium.

On our site the price is presented as 500 kr.
The price on the product in Litium is 499,85 kr.

In Litium after checkout 500 kr is saved at the order. But to Klarna the price 499,85 kr is sent.

Why does Klarna get 499,85 kr but 500 kr is saved in Litium? What can we do to make price sent to Klarna match with the price saved on order in Litium? In this case we want it to be 500 kr.

Litium version: 6.2.2-patch-1810041453

It seems price is rounded in Litium Order, I am not sure if we should send the rounded price to Klarna.
Klarna should round the prices themselves when needed (I think).

Litium does not round off values, instead, Litium has a setting to show after rounding off.
When you edit the variant, you would see the prices without this display formatting, that is why you see 499,85 there.
WHen you go to EComm, you are only viewing information, where display formatting is applied.

Check the Currency (from settings) to see which display formatting is configured, It can most probably be “C0”