SearchQueryBuilder logic

I have 3 products with different field in the product index as shown below:

Product 1.shampoo:
isOrganizationProduct = true
OrganizationId = 111

Product 2.balsam:
isOrganizationProduct = true
OrganizationId = 222

isOrganizationProduct = false
OrganizationId = ""

Problem 1. Customer 1 belong to organization 1. I want this customer to only see product 1 and 3. Thats is excluding product 2.

Problem 2. And if you are a customer that do not belong to any organization then only Product 3 will show up.

For problem 2 i used _request.ExcludeTags.Add(new Tag(isOrganizationProduct , true));

I tried using filter tag for problem 1: _request.FilterTags.Add(new Tag("OrganizationId", "111")) with
_request.ExcludeTags.Add(new Tag(isOrganizationProduct , true)); but then it doesn’t show anything.

How can i build a query for problem 1?

Thanks in advanced!
Litium version: 7.2

Solved it by:

var tagClause = new OptionalTagClause();
tagClause.Tags.Add(new Tag("OrganizationId", tagValue.ToLower(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))
                        { Analyzer = "keyword" });
tagClause.Tags.Add(new Tag(tagNameForIsOrganization, false)); 

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