_securityToken.IsAnonymousUser is true in WebApi

Hi we have a service that updates some user information. the service workes fine when called internally, but when called from a web API (We are sending the full context in the request) in the post and from the api controller we call our service method that contains

person = _loggedInPersonModelBuilder.GetPerson() eg “_securityToken.IsAnonymousUser && _securityToken.Person”;

The person is always anonymous, writing to the session workes fine, so the session data seams to be there. How can I get the user?

Litium version: 7.3

Check how


looks, is it also empty?

Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity contains the logged in user can i convert that to a person?

Something like this?

		public Customers.Person GetPerson()
		var securityToken = _securityToken;
		if (securityToken.IsAnonymousUser && System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
			securityToken = new SecurityToken((ClaimsIdentity)System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity);
		if (!securityToken.IsAnonymousUser && securityToken.Person != null)
			return securityToken.Person;
		return null;

But should this be necessary?

Yes you can use this, you can then set it in


method on the incoming call.

Isn’t this the same as using _securityContextService.GetIdentityUserSystemId()?

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